PoliticsIn its meeting earlier today, the Government has decided not to enter into an amicable settlement with Mustafa Mustafa Ahmed Adam al-Hawsawi, a Saudi citizen, whose petition against Lithuania has been brought before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Valdemar Tomaševski is the official candidate for the office of the President of Lithuania2019-02-28, 23:44‘Our program is directed to the whole Lithuania. We want not only to show our achievements, but we also want them to be implemented in the whole Lithuania in the future,’ stated the chairman of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (EAPL-CFA), Member of the European Parliament Valdemar Tomaševski during the press conference in the Seimas on 19th February 2019. Rita Tamašunienė, chairwoman of the EAPL-CFA Seimas faction as well as Albert Narvoiš, deputy director of the administration of the Vilnius district self-government, took part in the conference too. President Dalia Grybauskaitė will pay a working visit to Košice in Slovakia and the Austrian capital, Vienna. The European Union has launched a new project on civil service reform in Sakartvelo2019-02-25, 14:02In 2019 February 19th the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia, the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan and the Office of the Government of Lithuania together with the partners have launched the Twinning Project “Support to Implementation of the Civil Service Reform in Georgia”. Presentation on energy security in Europe based on Lithuania’s example delivered at the OSCE PA2019-02-23, 15:52Vytautas Bakas, Chair of the Seimas Committee on National Security and Defence and member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA) made a presentation titled Manipulation of energy resources to achieve geopolitical goals at the OSCE PA on 21 February 2019. The President gave the green light to criminal proceedings against eight senior judges2019-02-21, 14:10Acting in accordance with the Constitution, the Law on Courts and taking into account the proposal submitted by Prosecutor General Evaldas Pašilis, President Dalia Grubauskaitė signed decrees consenting to criminal proceedings, detention and custodial measures against eight judges and suspending their mandates until relevant pre-trial decisions or court judgments come into effect. Concluding the banking union, beefing up democratic accountability, and developing a budget for the Eurozone were raised regularly in a meeting between parliaments. L. Linkevičius: NATO must continue to strengthen its deterrence and defense posture, with special focus on the Baltic Sea region2019-02-19, 16:48On 16 February in Munich, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevičius participated in a discussion dedicated to the strengthening of security in the Baltic states. Future funding for the Erasmus+ programme, the EU’s long-term climate strategy and trade negotiations with the US are all on Parliament’s agenda this week. MEPs approved a trade deal with Singapore as well plans to screen foreign investment and better protect the victims of road accidents during this week's plenary session. |
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