At the beginning of the press conference Valdemar Tomaševski explained his decision to run for the Lithuanian presidency. Last Monday he was registered in the Central Electoral Commission as a candidate in the presidential elections which will take place in May. It will be his third time as a candidate for the post of the president of Lithuania.
Valdemar Tomaševski managed to get 4,7 percent of votes in 2009. He decisively won in the Vilnius and Šalčininkai districts and took second place in Vilnius. In 2014 he reached 8,4 percent of votes in Lithuania and won in Šalčininkai and Vilnius districts and in Visaginas, reaching 70%, 53% and 54% of votes respectively. Tomaševski also took first place in numerous districts of the Vilnius city, as well as in Trakai, Švenčionys, Širvintos, Ignalina and Zarasai districts.
‘Why do I do it for the third time? People tell that you can try up to three times. But the main reason is that we want to continue works that we have already started. Our political party will be celebrating its 25th anniversary. We have considerable achievements at the local government level and in the parliament,’ underlined Tomaševski. He also added that, according to the survey commissioned on the order of, EAPL-CFA has a very good reputation and is considered to be the most honest political group in Lithuania.
Tomaševski also pointed out the fact that his formation is guided in politics primarily by Christian values, which give rise to other values such as honest politics and the policy of strengthening the traditional family. ‘Good reputation, reliability marks us out among other political parties. It is not a coincidence that almost all political groups want to cooperate with us,’ stated Tomaševski. To confirm his words, Tomaševski said that EAPL-CFA has been numerously invited to the ruling coalition, e.g. in 2000-2001 in Rolandas Paksas’s government, in 2006-2008 in Gediminal Kirkilas’s government and in 2012-2014 in the government of Algirdas Butkevičius. Moreover, the party has its 65 representatives in the Councils of seven self-governments. ‘We belong to the ruling majority in all of the seven self-governments, because, as I have already mentioned, everyone want to cooperate with us. We keep our word. We are a solid political force. And our honesty is valued by everyone,’ told Tomaševski.
Rita Tamašunienė, the chairwoman of the EAPL-CFA Seimas faction told about the achievements of the EAPL-CFA faction in the Seimas.
As she underlined, residents have for sure already appreciated the direction of EAPL-CFA policy which is building a socially responsible, economically efficient, responsible, educated and free society.
‘We want to show, that politicians listen to their citizens and they try to realize their postulates. This is how we try to work and fulfill the mandate entrusted to us. Our faction made a lot in the field of family policy,’ said the politician. She also added that the EAPL-CFA proposition regarding the money for each child is already being implemented. And although for now it is only 60 euros per month, not 120, as proposed by EAPL-CFA, ‘small steps are being made, it was decided to gradually move forward, but the idea itself is already being implemented’. Moreover, the Family Card program will start on 1th July on the initiative of the party. The aim of the program is to support large families. As emphasized by the chairwoman, EAPL-CFA is a socially responsible party. Thinking about the residents, especially the weakest ones, the party proposed a free medication for seniors (75 years old or older) or a free ride for children. And although, as she pointed out, many proposals offered by EAPL-CFA were copied by other factions, ‘the most important thing is that this idea is implemented’.
On behalf of the EAPL-CFA Tamašunienė stated, that she supports Tomaševski’s candidacy in the presidential elections, because, as she emphasized, this is an opportunity to talk more broadly about the political program of the party.
‘Our candidate Valdemar Tomaševski has a lot of experience and is well known as a responsible and honest politician. (…) We support him and commit to support and offer active assistance throughout the entire electoral campaign,’ said the chairwoman of the faction.
During the conference, Albert Narvoiš, deputy director of the administration of the Vilnius district self-government, pointed to the achievements of EAPL-CFA as the ruling party in the local government of the Vilnius district.
‘The fact that we are guided by Christian values and work for the benefit of all inhabitants is the most important,’ said. He pointed out that many investment projects were implemented in the capital area in the last decade: 7 new kindergartens, 3 schools, 2 hospitals, 6 social care facilities, 16 playing fields and 50 playgrounds for children were built. A lot of investments were made in road infrastructure as well as water and sewage infrastructure. Narvoiš stressed that the self-government implemented all these investments without incurring debts. ‘This means that we manage the budget effectively, we work honestly for the residents and we can serve as an example for others,’ stated Narvoiš.
Tomaševski stressed that the solutions presented above in the Vilnius district are a proof that the local government can help a common man despite having a small budget and despite the fact that only 13 percent of EU funds go through the Lithuanian local government, and this is the lowest rate in the EU.
‘Our program is directed to the whole Lithuania. We want not only to show our achievements, but we also want them to be implemented in the whole Lithuania in the future. It is possible. We were able to do it,’ said Tomaševski.