On Wednesday, Parliament’s culture and education committee will vote on funding rules for the Erasmus programme for 2021-2027. The goal of the new programme is to promote opportunities in other EU countries for students, apprentices and others as well as create a European Education Area by 2025.
On Tuesday, the international trade committee will discuss the EU's trade negotiations with the US.
The EU’s long-term climate strategy, which has the goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050, will be up for a vote by the environment committee on Wednesday. The strategy will shape the way the EU will implement the Paris agreement on climate change.
The civil liberties committee will vote Tuesday on financing for the new EU asylum and Migration Fund, which aims to help EU countries to better manage migration, with a specific focus on asylum, integration and countering irregular migration.
The civil liberties committee will also look at a report on corruption and the freedom of the press in the context of the rule of law. A working group was set up following the murders of journalists Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta and Ján Kuciak in Slovakia.
On Thursday, the internal market and consumer protection committee will vote on EU-wide safety features to be included in vehicles. The goal is to limit fatalities and severe injuries caused by car accidents. Some of the features proposed include intelligent speed assistance, driver drowsiness monitoring and tools to lessen injuries to pedestrians and cyclists.
Ref.: 20190213STO26334