EconomyLithuanian consumer prices rose by 1 percent in April compared with March, marking the eighth straight month of inflation, figures from Statistics Lithuania showed on Tuesday. Merko Statyba, a Lithuanian building company that is part of Estonia's Merko Ehitus, one of the Baltics' largest construction and real estate groups, posted 22.658 mln euros in revenue last year, down by 20.1%, from 28.368 mln euros, in 2015. Lithuania’s economic growth has accelerated. Due to favourable conditions in the beginning of the year, Lithuania’s economy in 2017 will grow faster than in the previous year, while the positive output gap will gradually increase. In the presence of such economic development, the pressure to increase wages and prices will persist. Without investment into higher productivity, the spiral of growing wages and prices in the future might decrease the competitiveness of Lithuanian companies, limiting economic development as well. Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta (SOK) Group has decided to shut down all Prisma stores in Latvia and Lithuania in June, as the company's representatives told. Lietuvos Oro Uostai (Lithuanian Airports), the operator of Lithuania's three international airports, will pay over 1.7 mln euros as dividends to the state, up by 70% from 1 mln euros it contributed last year, after posting a net profit of 3.4 mln euros for 2016. Statistics Lithuania informs that, based on provisional data, in March 2017, the turnover (VAT excluded) of retail trade1enterprises amounted to EUR 822.2 mln at current prices; against February 2017, seasonally and calendar adjusted, it increased by 1% at constant prices (unadjusted – by 13.4%). Lithuanian leisure carrier Small Planet Airlines (SPA) has announced financial results for the year 2016. The company maintained revenue growth with the annual revenue reaching 223,1 mln EUR – 22,6% more when compared to 2015. SPA’s profitability, on the other hand, was less satisfying: due to unexpected aircraft maintenance and flight delays leisure airlines ended up with a loss of 3,8 mln EUR, contrary to a profit of 19,2 mln EUR in 2015. SPAs EBITDA margin shrunk to 11,7% (26 mln EUR). Eurocash1, a cash collection and security services group that is indirectly controlled by Vilniaus Prekyba's owners, is expanding its operations in Latvia through the acquisition of CBL Cash Logistics, a subsidiary of Citadele Bank, in a deal whose financial details are not being disclosed. Lithuania and the other states of the Baltic Sea region should sign a memorandum of understanding in June on synchronization of the Baltic states with continental Europe via Poland. The document should give an impetus to the preparations for synchronized work of the networks. The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) and Lithuania’s company Klaipedos Nafta AB have signed a loan agreement totalling EUR 20.4 million with a 15-year tenor for the construction of a reloading station for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the extension of an oil terminal in Klaipeda, Lithuania. |
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