EconomyThe Bank of Lithuania and Statistics Lithuania publish the provisional data on direct investment for Q1 2017. Direct investment statistics was supplemented with the indicators of income from equity instruments (dividends), excluding reinvestment, and income from debt instruments (interest), calculated by applying the directional principle. The latest data release indicates that. Statistics Lithuania informs that in June 2017 the consumer confidence indicator stood at minus 12; against May, it remained unchanged. More pessimistic expectations about changes in the household’s financial situation in the coming 12 months were counterbalanced by more optimistic expectations about changes in the country’s economic situation and making at least some savings in the coming 12 months. The average price of electricity in Nord Pool Spot's Lithuanian bidding area dropped by 20.9 last week from a week earlier to 32.09 euros per megawatt-hour. Statistics Lithuania informs that based on the provisional data of the Household Budget Survey, in 2016, average household consumption expenditure equalled EUR 298 per capita per month. Compared to 20121, monthly consumption expenditure grew by 20.3%, or EUR 50. Consumer price growth adjusted, compared to 2012, consumption increased by 18.9%. The natural gas supply and trading company Lietuvos Dujų Tiekimas (LDT), part of the state-controlled Lietuvos Energija energy company group signed a contract with the U.S. Cheniere Marketing International and purchased a LNG cargo. Lietuvos Dujų Tiekimas will store a part of natural gas purchased at a lower price in summer in Latvian Incukalns natural gas storage facility. The Bank of Lithuania, at its own expense and using its own resources, is the first in the euro area to have conducted a cyber exercise to check the resilience of our country’s financial market participants – mainly banks – to cyberattacks. The Education and Science Ministry and laser producers and scientists are trying to solve the issue of Lithuania's participation in the . Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) as soon as possible, with the country expected to become a member of the international organization by the end of the year. In 2016, investors operating in Klaipėda Free Economic Zone (FEZ) purchased goods and services for EUR 200,5 mln from Lithuanian suppliers, 1,9% more than a year ago. Last year was the first time when purchases by FEZ companies in Lithuania exceeded EUR 200 mln. Statistics Lithuania informs that in 2016 gross inland fuel and energy consumption amounted to 7.3 mln tonnes of oil equivalent and, against 2015, grew by 2.4%. Lithuania's fertilizer manufacturer Achema , the country's single largest natural gas consumer, should buy less gas from Norway's Statoil concern this year due to changes in the gas pricing policies. |
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