EconomyLithuania's industrial production and sales, at constant prices, rose by 6.1% in January through July 2017 compared with a year ago to reach 11.46 billion euros, Statistics Lithuania said on August 22nd. Klaipeda remained the number one seaport in the Baltic countries in terms of container handling in January through July 2017, the port's authority said. 73% Lithuanian households owned a personal computer and 75% had Internet access at home in the first quarter of this year, up by 1 and 2 percentage points year-on-year, respectively, a survey by Statistics Lithuania showed on August 18th. Lithuanian producers will be able to export organic products to China if they are certified as meeting the Asian country's standards. Lithuania's central government and local authorities collected a total of 4.74 billion euros in budget revenue in January through July 2017, some 153.8 million euros, or 3.4%, more than planned. All three Baltic countries posted year-on-year growth in exports for the first half of 2017, figures from the EU statistical office Eurostat showed on August 16th. After the start of harvesting in July 2017, about a fourth of the total area of grain crops and rape has been harvested in Lithuania so far. Statistics Lithuania informs that, according to the Labour Force Survey data, in II quarter 2017, the unemployment rate stood at 7% and, against I quarter 2017 and II quarter 2016, decreased by 1 percentage point. In II quarter 2017, the male unemployment rate stood at 8.6, female – at 5.4%. Statistics Lithuania informs that in II quarter 2017, the volume of construction works carried out in the country amounted to EUR 628.5 million at current prices and, against the previous period, seasonally and calendar adjusted, grew by 0.5% at constant prices (unadjusted – by 72.6%). Lithuania is increasingly lacking employees, which stalls rapid development of the country's economy, analysts say. In their words, long-term growth is out of the question, if the tendencies remain unchanged. |
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