

Europe's most successful student exchange programme will be relaunched in an improved and expanded version. Under the new name Erasmus+, the programme will cover education, training, youth and for the first time ever also sport, after an agreement was reached between the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers in June.

President Dalia Grybauskaitė presented first-grade passports to children celebrating September 1st at the Kristijonas Donelaitis Lithuanian School in Washington, D.C.

VGTU graduate architect Karolis Kazlauskas, who works in architecture company "PLT Planning and Architecture" in Shanghai, recently received the world media attention. His proposed Wonsan airport reconstruction project was very positively evaluated by the country's leader Kim Jong Un.

However, the architect K. Kazlauskas does not give too much prominence to Kim Jong Un's praise: because not only words, but investment and the possibility to realize the project are needed for the implementation of any project.

Here is the interview with the architect K. Kazlauskas about work and creativity in one of the most mysterious countries.

On Wednesday, in the Simonas Daukantas square situated in front of the Presidential Palace, President Dalia Grybauskaite and Minister of Education and Science Dainius Pavalkis attended the ceremony of transferring the yellow busses to municipalities.

The Higgs boson has been nicknamed the God particle as it has been so difficult to spot. The particle, which helps to explain how the universe got its mass, was first predicted in 1964 but it wasn't until this year that the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced it had been able to detect it. On 27 November two physicists who had been key in developing the theory behind the boson - professors Peter Higgs from the UK and François Englert from Belgium - visited the EP.

Baltic Sea Science Congress "New Horizons for Baltic Sea Science" will take place on 26-30 August, 2013 in Klaipėda, Lithuania informes



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