An absolute majority of respondents rated both their own as well as the general Lithuanian education levels positively. When asked to evaluate the level of education in Lithuania in general, 74 per cent of them rated it positively or very positively. A similar number – 77 per cent of the survey takers – rated their own education levels positively. This rating was the highest among those who have already achieved advanced and higher education. 88 per cent and 97 per cent respectively rated their education positively.
According to the study, four per cent of the residents received their education abroad, while two per cent of the respondents have studied both at home and abroad.
When asked what country they would want to study in, if they could chose again, 54 per cent, or more than a half of respondents chose Lithuania. Some 13 per cent would want to study in the UK. Third choice of education was Germany and the USA, with four per cent choosing them. Further on come Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Norway and other countries.
However, it has been noted that different age groups showed different preferences toward countries where they would want to study. The youngest group, 15-19 year-olds, would prefer to study in the UK, Germany, Norway or Denmark after Lithuania. The 20-29 year-old group would more often prefer to study in Spain, Russia, France, Holland and Sweden.
The study showed that 62 per cent of the Lithuanian population believes that having a higher education increases their chances of getting work, as compared to having lower education levels. This was mostly supported by the younger survey takers, while the older groups were more skeptical.