SocietyNASA intends to launch Lithuanian satellites into space2013-07-15, 14:14The first two satellites developed by Lithuanian scientists will be launched into space this autumn. Starting July 15th, bikes will be available for self-serve rental for Vilnius residents and visitors2013-07-15, 11:25As part of a Vilnius City Municipality initiative, JCDecaux will open 24 bike stations in the city center that will offer riders more than 200 bikes for rent. Investments into the project have reached 6.4 mil. Euros. The flight of Lituanica signifies a great nation2013-07-15, 11:20President Dalia Grybauskaitė attended the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of Darius and Girėnas transatlantic flight. The President laid a wreath of flowers at the monument marking the site where the two pilots perished near the Polish village of Pszczelnik. Lithuania's socmin: investment in children is key to successful society2013-07-12, 13:41Methods and measures to ensure wellbeing of children, this was an issue included in the discussions on Thursday, at the informal meeting of the European Union ministers for Employment and Social Security, informed BC the Ministry of Social Security and Labour. A draft law to make smoking less attractive to the young by banning the use of "characterised" flavours such as strawberry or menthol in tobacco products was backed by Public Health Committee MEPs on Wednesday. But they also amended the draft to require health warnings on every side of a cigarette pack and ban slim cigarettes and "attractive" packaging. Allegations of US surveillance of Europe have rocked relations between the two just when negotiations on a transatlantic free-trade agreement were due to begin. Parliament has launched an inquiry into the Prism scandal, but many MEPs agree it will be challenging to restore trust between the two partners. We discussed the issue with former Greek foreign minister Dimitris Droutsas, a member of the S&D group who is responsible for steering new cross border data processing rules through Parliament. Butkevičius: social benefits may be administered by municipalities2013-07-10, 16:22Starting in the fall of 2013, the government of Lithuania intends to change the system of social benefits. It is envisaged that the administration of social benefits will be transferred to municipalities. The new system will come into effect from January 1 in 2014, said Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius. 'Air Lituanica' launches flights to Amsterdam2013-07-09, 13:56Today, on 8th of July, Air Lituanica launched its first flight from Vilnius to Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. The plane was met with red tulips and festive car parade. Global Corruption Barometer: Lithuanians give bribes the most2013-07-09, 12:00Although the number of bribery cases in Lithuania has decreased in the past year, Lithuanians are still the most corrupt country in the EU. It was revealed by Transparency International research. Reconstructed Palace of Grand Dukes opens its doors2013-07-08, 12:21On Lithuanian State Day, the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania was opened in Vilnius. |
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