SocietyThe presidency under the shadow of scandal or how V. Landsbergis pretended to be naïve2013-07-06, 20:09The calm beginning of the Lithuanian presidency was disturbed by the verbal attack on the Polish member of the European Parliament prof. Mirosław Piotrowski by Vytautas Landsbergis. This occurred because Piotrowski encouraged Lithuanian government to stop the persecution of Polish ethnic minority. V. Landsbergis called these words the lie perpetuated by Polish nationalists. This attack – a demonstration of disdain towards the Poles of Vilnius region and it has nothing to do with common euro-parliamentary traditions. A survey: most of the parents do not associate their children’s lives with Lithuania2013-07-05, 12:15The insurance company PZU Lithuania ordered a survey in order to find out what Lithuanians are planning for the future and what possible demographic changes might occur. In general, the most intriguing question was whether they associate their children's future with Lithuania or with other countries. European Parliament about the Poles of Lithuania2013-07-04, 12:15Yesterday, during the European Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg, the debates took place regarding Lithuanian presidency of the EU Council. The discussion was joined by the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė. During this opening event, the President of Lithuania declared her expectations and priorities for Lithuania during this period. Next Monday, 8th of July, Transparency International organizes its famous summer school on integrity in Vilnius. The school is attended by 140 young leaders from more than 60 countries. The classes will be held at Mykolas Romeris University. Danish Prince Frederik to lead Danish Days in Lithuania2013-07-03, 13:56The business forums between Lithuanians and Danish become a tradition, this October the event will become royal - the Danish business delegation visit will be led by H.R.H Crown Prince Frederik. Orange bicycles available in Vilnius2013-07-02, 20:42Starting July 15th, bikes will be available for self-serve rental for Vilnius residents and visitors. As part of a Vilnius City Municipality initiative, JCDecaux will open 24 bike stations in the city center that will offer riders more than 200 bikes for rent. Investments into the project have reached 6.4 mil. Euros. Lithuania and Europe to be united by musical and video link-ups2013-06-29, 10:38On 5 July at 16.00, the official opening ceremony of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union will begin in Vilnius. The start of the Presidency of the EU Council will be celebrated in the historical venue of Vilnius University’s, inner courtyard. The courtyard is named after Petras Skarga, the first rector, and is now symbolically decorated with stylized flags of all European Union Member States. Sorrowful anniversary2013-06-27, 23:01The 20th of June marked another sad anniversary in the history of the Vilnius region. On that day in 1944 year in the Glitiškės village, the Lithuanian police officers murdered the local Polish habitants. The deed was done by the 258th branch of Lithuanian battalion led by lieutenant Polekauskas. Falling state, Lithuania's rescuers and other political myths2013-06-26, 06:38Facing the modern world of governance, it may seem that it is built according to the laws of elementary advertising, consumerism and trade instead of being built on a critical and rational voter's choice. The question arises who allows saying so? An answer to this question is a phenomenon of an image that is entrenched in politics, even though an image is usually associated only with the world of goods and services. Venclova and "patriots"2013-06-23, 16:57Tomas Venclova, dissident and one of the most recognizable Lithuanians in the world, was honored by the government of Lithuanian capital city. He was born in Vilnius, but has chosen to be a citizen of the world and was awarded with the honorable citizenship of Vilnius. Nice expression of respect, however, was overshadowed by the attitude of countrymen of the famous poet and citizen of Vilnius. |
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