SocietyThe House of European History is a new Brussels-based museum offering a fresh and though-provoking way of seeing and understanding Europe's history and the development of European integration. Situated just a few minutes' walk from the Parliament, it will be open seven days a week from 6 May free of charge.. Parliament opens its doors to the public in Brussels this Saturday from 10.00 to 18.00 CET. It's an opportunity to explore the plenary chamber, join a guided tour and take part in debates. In addition visitors enjoy the chance to be among the first to visit the House of European History, a new museum that is opening its doors on the same day. Another plenary convention of the member organizations of the Council of World Polonia took place on 1st-2nd May in Pułtusk. Poles from 32 countries took part in it. Council of World Polonia unites Polonia organizations and other organizations uniting Poles abroad. It represents 20 million Poles living all around the world. Participants discussed inner matters of the organizations, but they also talked about the relations of Council of World Polonia with Polish authorities. Lots of attentions has been paid to the topic of the defense of good name of Poland and Poles in the world, Polish education abroad, part of Polish communities in the political and social life in their countries of residence. The participants also talked about the preparations to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the regaining of Independence of Poland. Leaders of the Polish community in Lithuania took part in the 226th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of 3rd May in Warsaw. Valdemar Tomaševski, chairman of the Electoral Action of Poles – Christian Families Aliance (EAPL-CFA) and Rita Tamašunienė, chairwoman of EAPL-CFA Seimas faction represented Polish community during the ceremonies. President Dalia Grybauskaitė extended congratulations to President Andrzej Duda on May 3rd Constitution Day and wished the people of Poland continued success, prosperity and unity. Air force detachments conducting the NATO Air Policing Mission in the Baltic State will rotate at Šiauliai Air Force Base2017-05-02, 18:51Air force detachments deployed to Šiauliai Air Base of the Lithuanian Air Force to carry out air policing tasks in the Baltic states will change over on May 2. After four months of air policing mission the Royal Netherlands Air Force Detachment will hand over the task to the Polish Air Force Detachment with four F-16 Fighting Falcon. In the eyes of a growing number of citizens, belonging to the EU is a good thing. According to the latest Eurobarometer survey of Europeans’ attitudes, figures are virtually back at their pre-crisis levels in 2007. EU rules are needed to oblige textile and clothing suppliers to respect workers’ rights, say MEPs in a resolution adopted on Thursday. After lines of cargo vehicles stretched on the Lithuanian border with the Russian Kaliningrad region, the head of the Lithuanian Border Crossing Infrastructure Directorate says that a few dozen trucks lined up on the border is not a major problem. The first quarter of 2017 in Lithuanian Airports was marked by significant results. Not only the number of passengers in the country’s airports exceeded one million and was 16% higher than during the same period last year, but also the number of flights in Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga grew by 12% and amounted to 12,000. |
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