

Another plenary convention of the member organizations of the Council of World Polonia took place on 1st-2nd May in Pułtusk. Poles from 32 countries took part in it. Council of World Polonia unites Polonia organizations and other organizations uniting Poles abroad. It represents 20 million Poles living all around the world. Participants discussed inner matters of the organizations, but they also talked about the relations of Council of World Polonia with Polish authorities. Lots of attentions has been paid to the topic of the defense of good name of Poland and Poles in the world, Polish education abroad, part of Polish communities in the political and social life in their countries of residence. The participants also talked about the preparations to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the regaining of Independence of Poland.

Leaders of the Polish community in Lithuania took part in the 226th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of 3rd May in Warsaw. Valdemar Tomaševski, chairman of the Electoral Action of Poles – Christian Families Aliance (EAPL-CFA) and Rita Tamašunienė, chairwoman of EAPL-CFA Seimas faction represented Polish community during the ceremonies.



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