The survey, commissioned by the Parliament and published on Thursday, shows that EU membership is a good thing in the eyes of 57% of Europeans, up by four percentage points compared to the previous survey of September last year and almost at the same level as in 2007 (58%), before the financial and economic crisis set in. Percentages vary significantly, however, from country to country.
European Parliament President Antonio Tajani said: "The findings of the European Parliament survey of Europeans’ attitudes towards the European Union are, for the first time since the start of the crisis in 2007, very encouraging. They show that European citizens expect the Union to respond with a single voice to their very acute fears about recent international upheavals that have made the world more uncertain and dangerous. It is up to us, as political leaders, to show them that they are right. To this end, we must persuade them, by our daily work and our decisions, that the Union can both protect and improve their daily lives."
Need for more EU to fight against terrorism, unemployment, tax fraud
Reacting to the latest geopolitical events, such as the growing instability in the Arab world, the increasing influence of Russia and China, Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, up to 73% of respondents prefer the EU to find a common response over individual national actions.
A strong majority also calls for the EU to do more in addressing current challenges, such as the fight against terrorism (80%) and unemployment (78%), protecting the environment (75%) and tackling tax fraud (74%).
Being heard at EU and national level
An increasing number of Europeans (43%) feel that their voices count at EU level, more than at any other time since 2007 and up by 6 points compared to 2016. By contrast, six Europeans in 10 consider that their voice counts in their country, which is 10 points more than in 2016.
Social inequalities
Finally, the overwhelming majority of Europeans say that inequalities between social classes are significant and a third of them doubt that the crisis will be over for many years.
REF. : 20170427IPR72790