

The Cyprus bailout package and changes to Hungarian constitution were in the spotlight at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg from 15 to 18 April. MEPs also took important decisions concerning the trading of CO2 emissions and adopted a comprehensive reform package of banking regulations to ensure the stability of the European financial system.

Travel to the EU is set to become easier for people from Ukraine and Moldova after MEPs approved plans for visa exemptions for holders of biometric service passports and a simplification of requirements demonstrating the purpose of their journey.

After considerations by the Espoo Convention’s Implementation Committee for nearly two years, the Committee issued a report on 15 April, finding that Belarus was not in compliance with the requirements of the Espoo Convention. The Committee found that Belarus had not informed in a timely manner the Lithuanian public and experts on the planned construction of a nuclear power plant.

On April 15 an unidentified explosive device detonated under a HMMWV armoured vehicle of the Lithuanian Military Advisory Team (MAT) as they were driving to a firing range at about 10.00 a.m. (local time) in the capital of Ghor province, Chaghcharan. Except for the damage done to the military vehicle, no harm has been inflicted on the patrol staff in the incident.

The 2014 European Parliament elections should be held from 22 to 25 May, instead of 5-8 June, says a draft decision backed with an overwhelming majority by the Constitutional Affairs Committee on Monday. This will give the new Parliament more time to prepare for the election of the European Commission President in July 2014.

Two bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing at least three people and injuring 144.

Croatia, set to become the EU's 28th member state, will hold its first elections for the European Parliament on Sunday 14 April. The country with a population of 4.3 million people will elect 12 new MEPs that will take their seats after the formal accession on 1July.


Vilnius is becoming ever more accessible to tourists from Ukraine. On March 31st, Ukrainian International Airlines began offering direct daily flights from Boryspil airport in Kiev to Vilnius. Hopefully, the new route will become a popular new way for people to get to know Vilnius.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has pardoned an ex-interior minister serving a four-year prison sentence for embezzlement and abuse of office.

At least five people have been killed and five more injured after clashes between Christians and Muslims in Egypt's Qalyubia province, a spokesman for Egypt's health ministry said.



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