

The President Morsi has been overthrown by the military and Adly Mansour, the deputy chief justice of the Supreme Court, was named the interim President.

Prism and what it means for the privacy and fundamental rights of Europeans are to be debated on Wednesday afternoon in plenary with representatives from the European Commission and the Council. MEPs are expected to stress the need to speed up the reform of EU data protection rules. They will also vote on a resolution on Thursday 4 July. Follow the debate live on our website and join the discussion on our Twitter wall using the #Prism hashtag.

Close to 3.5 million Syrians will have to seek refuge in another country by the end of the year, according to the UN adding one more somber note to this year's World Refugee Day on 20 June.

Mali, military coups, health and development were among the issues discussed by MEPs and their counterparts from 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, during the 25th session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels on 17-19 June. We asked the Assembly's co-presidents Louis Michel, a Belgian member of the ALDE group, and Dr Joyce Laboso, deputy speaker of the Kenya´s national assembly, about the partnership and if it was being affected by the crisis.

On May, 2013 explosions hit Scientific Research Center in Jamraya caused by an Israeli rocket attack



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