World Sat, 27 Jul 2024 03:01:55 +0300 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb The President and the Norwegian Prime Minister discussed security in the Baltic Sea region and fight against illegal migration The President and the Norwegian Prime Minister discussed security in the Baltic Sea region and fight against illegal migration

President Gitanas Nausėda met with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre on the sidelines of the European Political Community Summit. The meeting focused on bilateral cooperation in defense and economic areas, hybrid threats and support for Ukraine.

The President emphasized Lithuania’s high regard for Norway’s significant contribution to the security of the Baltic region, including deployments to NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission and forward presence battlegroup in Lithuania. He expressed hope for further successful military cooperation, noting that both countries share a border with the aggressor Russia, and are therefore equally aware of the threats it poses and the importance of reinforcing the eastern flank of the Alliance.

“Both Lithuania and Norway have experienced hybrid warfare launched by Russia and its proxy Belarus against the West. We cannot allow Russia to abuse international humanitarian law. We must make decisions at the European level to ensure that we have the necessary legal tools to prevent the aggressor from instrumentalizing illegal migration flows,” the President said.

Gitanas Nausėda welcomed bilateral economic cooperation and the EU-Norway agreement on financial mechanisms within the European Economic Area. He highlighted Norway’s positive impact on Lithuania’s economy and emphasized the agreement’s role in strengthening bilateral relations.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:40:16 +0300
Minister of National Defence met with Minister of Defence of the Netherlands in Washington Minister of National Defence met with Minister of Defence of the Netherlands in Washington

On July 10 Minister of National Defence Laurynas Kasčiūnas met with Minister of Defence of the Netherlands Ruben Brekelmans on the margins of the NATO Summit. Lithuanian Minister thanked the Netherlands for the Netherlands for the substantial contribution to Baltic security.

The Dutch contingent in the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battalion Battle Group in Rukla is one of the most voluminous contributions in terms of troop number and equipment, while air detachments of the Royal Netherlands Air Force is constantly manning the NATO Air Poling Mission in the Baltic states. Cooperation between the two countries is also expanding in the areas of cyber security and special operations forces.

This week Lithuania welcomed the Patriot air defence system from the Netherlands deployed for the Baltic Connection ’24 training cycle to practice air defence alongside the Lithuanian NASAMS units. “This serves as a strong basis for urgent implementation of the NATO Rotation Air Defence Model in Lithuania. The Patriot deployment sends a strong message to other Allies to join the NATO initiative,” said Minister L. Kasčiūnas inviting the Netherlands to deploy the Patriot system in Lithuania on a regular basis.

Ministers also discussed defence financing and plans of increasing defence capabilities. L. Kasčiūnas presented the commandant’s headquarters system introduced in Lithuania and solutions adopted to promote development of the national defence industry. Another topic of discussion was the NATO deterrence and defence. Minister underscored the importance of implementing the defence plans and underlined the necessity to increase Allies’ capabilities. In a discussion on assistance to Ukraine Minister L. Kasčiūnas invited the Netherlands to join the Demining Coalition led by Lithuania and Iceland, already joined by 23 partners. The Netherlands is rendering some of the most substantial assistance to Ukraine, therefore Minister noted Lithuania would highly appreciate its contribution to the Ukraine Demining Coalition.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Fri, 12 Jul 2024 10:08:26 +0300
The President called on NATO allies in Washington to increase defense investment The President called on NATO allies in Washington to increase defense investment

President Gitanas Nausėda is visiting Washington for the NATO Summit. On Wednesday, the President attended the meeting of the North Atlantic Council.

Addressing allied leaders, Gitanas Nausėda stressed that the ongoing war in Europe and Russia’s plans for further confrontation with NATO makes it necessary to strengthen the Alliance’s forward defense and deterrence more quickly and efficiently. According to the President, time is not on the side of the allies, so we need to act faster.

“Russia is in full war economy mode. The aggressor is receiving significant outside support from Iran, North Korea and China. Russia aims to confront NATO – this will not change unless our decisive actions change the situation,” the President said.

He stressed that it is crucial to immediately begin implementing last year’s Vilnius Summit decisions on strengthening collective defense. According to Gitanas Nausėda, it is essential to ensure that NATO’s defense plans do not contain any critical vulnerabilities and that the necessary capabilities are adequately provided for, especially on the front line of NATO’s eastern flank.

The President noted the successful cooperation between Lithuania and Germany in preparing for the deployment of a German brigade in our country. According to the President, this is a flagship project of forward defense and proof of European leadership in collective defense.

Gitanas Nausėda also emphasized the importance of implementing the rotational air defense model. He thanked the Netherlands for the Patriot system deployed in Lithuania and called on the Allies to participate more actively in this initiative.

“Adequate funding is needed to strengthen our collective defense. The club of NATO countries that spend more than 2% of GDP on defense is growing, but this figure is no longer sufficient. We must raise the bar. Lithuania will reach 3.03% already this year and is aiming for more,” the President said.

The President also reminded the Allies that Russia’s unconventional operations on the territory of NATO countries are becoming more frequent.

“It is no longer about playing with the minds of our societies by manipulating information. We are now talking about the physical destruction of property and infrastructure and violence against regime opponents abroad. It is only a matter of time before these attacks claim the lives of NATO citizens,” the President said.

According to Gitanas Nausėda, Russia’s actions require a joint and coordinated NATO response and an algorithm for responding to various kinetic attacks.

Referring to the situation in Ukraine, the President emphasized that only Ukraine's victory can return peace and stability to Europe.

“Allied agreement on long-term military support for Ukraine is essential. Our assistance must be effective and timely. We must also make clear that Ukraine’s future in the Alliance is irreversible. Russia must understand the irreversibility of these words,” the President said.

The NATO Summit in Washington marks the 75th anniversary of the Alliance and is the first to be attended by Sweden as a full member.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Thu, 11 Jul 2024 12:01:09 +0300
The President attended the NATO 75th anniversary celebratory event The President attended the NATO 75th anniversary celebratory event

President Gitanas Nausėda, along with the leaders of other NATO member states, attended the NATO 75th anniversary celebratory event in Washington DC.

According to the President, the Alliance is the guarantor of security for all of us, a family of collective defense where all stand for one and one stands for all.

“Twenty years ago, Lithuania joined NATO – a choice that guaranteed us Lithuania’s freedom and the opportunity to build and grow our state. It was the best decision and the most wise investment that enriched us with a wide circle of allies and friends,” the President said.

Gitanas Nausėda also pointed out that the 75th anniversary of the Alliance comes at a difficult time. Russia’s unprovoked war in Ukraine reminds all of Europe that peace is not a given. The security of all of us depends on the situation in Ukraine. Supporting Ukraine must remain our priority. The geopolitical situation does not leave us with the luxury of just celebrating – we need concrete results and the necessary decisions to strengthen the security and defense of the entire Euro-Atlantic space.

The Washington Summit is an important milestone in shaping the future of the Euro-Atlantic area. “We must ensure that NATO remains the strongest defense alliance. We need to effectively implement the decisions taken at last year’s NATO Summit in Vilnius and further strengthen the Baltic region and NATO’s eastern flank,” the President stressed.

The celebratory event was addressed by the President of the United States Joe Biden and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Wed, 10 Jul 2024 12:14:59 +0300
The President travels to Washington for the NATO Summit The President travels to Washington for the NATO Summit

President Gitanas Nausėda will participate in the anniversary NATO Summit in the United States of America on July 9-10.

The Washington Summit will focus on support for Ukraine and prospects for its Euro-Atlantic aspirations, as well as strengthening NATO's deterrence and defense posture. At the NATO Summit, the President will emphasize the need to further reinforce the Baltic region and the entire eastern flank of the Alliance, with special focus placed on implementing the rotational air defense model. He will call for bringing Ukraine closer to NATO.

The Summit marks the 75th anniversary of NATO. It will be the first NATO summit in which Sweden will participate as a full member of the Alliance.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Tue, 09 Jul 2024 09:21:08 +0300
The President: Our strength lies in the unity of the Baltic States The President: Our strength lies in the unity of the Baltic States

On Saturday, President Gitanas Nausėda met with Estonian President Alar Karis. The Lithuanian and Estonian leaders discussed the security situation in the region, support for Ukraine, preparations for the NATO Summit in Washington, joint infrastructure projects in the Baltic region, and the strengthening of bilateral relations in economy, culture and education.

During the meeting, President Gitanas Nausėda highlighted the excellent bilateral relations between Lithuania and Estonia, and their productive cooperation within the EU, NATO, as well as other international formats. The Head of State emphasized that the united stance and joint actions of Lithuania and Estonia are crucial for achieving significant results in the region and ensuring that the Baltic States’ voice is heard on the global stage. The President also stressed the importance of remaining united in support of Ukraine and mobilizing ally support until victory over the aggressor is secured.

The Lithuanian and Estonian leaders discussed the regional security situation and preparations for next week’s NATO Summit in Washington. The President emphasized the importance of continuing to increase defense investment and encouraging allies to do the same. Gitanas Nausėda highlighted that Lithuania’s defense spending will reach 3% of its GDP this year and will continue to rise in the future. The Head of State underscored the need for the NATO Summit to make progress on implementing regional defense plans, particularly the rotational air defense model.

The Head of State emphasized the importance of cooperation between Lithuania and Estonia in energy security, critical infrastructure protection, and resilience. The President noted that recent provocations by Russia on NATO territory and its borders aim to test NATO’s unity and response. Therefore, it is crucial for the European Union and NATO to demonstrate strong political will, foster close cooperation, and openly raise the issue of response to Russia.

“We have always stood shoulder to shoulder in defense of our freedom, never succumbing to Soviet oppression. Together, we walked the path of democracy and became members of the European Union and NATO. We have built a secure and prosperous Baltic region where people are free to shape their own lives and take pride in their country,” the President said.

Gitanas Nausėda and Alar Karis discussed the project of synchronization of the Baltic electricity grids with the Continental European grids. According to the Lithuanian leader, this synchronization must be completed by February 2025 to ensure that the Baltic countries achieve full energy independence from Russia. The President also emphasized the importance of the Rail Baltica project for the region’s military mobility, highlighting the need for its smooth implementation and securing the necessary EU funding.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Mon, 08 Jul 2024 10:19:12 +0300
Gitanas Nausėda spoke with the President of Georgia by telephone Gitanas Nausėda spoke with the President of Georgia by telephone

On Thursday, President Gitanas Nausėda had a telephone conversation with Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili. Speaking ahead of the European leaders' evening meeting in Brussels, they discussed the situation in Georgia and its prospects for further Euro-integration.

President Nausėda expressed regret that decisions taken by the Government of Georgia are steering the country away from EU integration while disregarding the aspirations of civil society for a European future.

“Lithuania has always strongly supported the Georgian people’s desire to be part of the European family. The country's civil society has clearly expressed its position and determination on Georgia's future. They have chosen a European future and cannot be deprived of this perspective. Lithuania will continue to support their aspiration to live in a democratic and free society based on European values,” the President said.

President Nausėda called on the Government of Georgia to cease using intimidation, physical violence and threats against civil society representatives and opposition political forces. He emphasized that such actions are incompatible with Georgia's path towards further Euro-integration and its EU candidate status.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Fri, 05 Jul 2024 12:56:46 +0300
The President congratulated the U.S.A. on Independence Day The President congratulated the U.S.A. on Independence Day

President Gitanas Nausėda extended congratulations to President Joseph R. Biden of the United States of America and all the people of this country on the 248th anniversary of American Independence Day.

“The United States is the most important strategic ally of Lithuania. Our bonds are rooted in shared values of freedom and democracy, bolstered by over a century of strong bilateral security, political and economic cooperation, and close people-to-people contacts. In this time of heightened global tension, with undemocratic regimes seeking to trample on international principles, we must stand united in safeguarding the international order, the rule of law and all fundamental democratic values that uphold the progressive world community. Lithuania is fully dedicated to strengthening the indispensable transatlantic ties and to achieving this goal,” the President’s message of congratulations reads.

Gitanas Nausėda underlined that he values the United States’ unwavering commitment and significant contribution to enhancing Lithuania’s security, and that the continued presence of the U.S. battalion in Lithuania is of paramount importance. The resolve of the U.S. to deter Russia is the cornerstone of our security, and U.S. leadership in support of Ukraine is vital. According to President Gitanas Nausėda, Lithuania is determined to stand by its commitments, to increase defense funding, and to provide strong support for its allies.

As the 75th anniversary NATO Summit in Washington approaches, the Lithuanian leader recalled Joseph R. Biden’s visit to Lithuania for the Vilnius NATO Summit, a historic event for Lithuania. “It was an honor to host you. Your visit and your inspiring speech to the people of Lithuania were the highlight of the year, reaffirming and strengthening the deep friendship between Lithuania and the United States of America. I look forward to meeting you again in Washington soon, where I believe we will take decisive decisions crucial for the entire transatlantic security community,” the President emphasized.

On national day, Gitanas Nausėda wished the U.S. President and all Americans every success and strength as they continue to work tirelessly to build a prosperous future for their country.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Thu, 04 Jul 2024 12:58:36 +0300
Commander of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine briefed Minister of National Defence L. Kasčiūnas on the most effective counter-mobility tactics Commander of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine briefed Minister of National Defence L. Kasčiūnas on the most effective counter-mobility tactics

Minister of National Defence Laurynas Kasčiūnas met with Commander of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Major General Dmytro Hereha today who had been asked to share Ukraine’s experience in building physical and other kinds fortifications to guard against hostile advancement.

“We have agreed to form a joint Lithuanian-Ukrainian military expertise group to transfer Ukraine’s experience in counter-mobility to the developed Lithuanian countermobility plan building readiness to a potential aggression in advance,” said Minister L. Kasčiūnas.

Maj Gen Hereha underscored the importance of being able to fight a war using any type of ammunition and mines because the opponent does so without reservations. It was noted that fortification planning must allow for a surprise factor. The fences need to be hidden and camouflaged so that the enemy cannot locate and prepare to cross them in advance. If the enemy is able to become familiar with the fortifications and obstacles created, their tactical value is diminished.

Commander of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shared valuable experience in frontier fortifications, brides and other critical infrastructure suitable to disrupt advance of tanks and other heavy equipment. Natural obstacles, such as swamps, brooks, embanked territories or forests, may also be effective to impede mobility of hostile forces in the event of war.

Maj Gen Hereha arrived in Vilnius with his delegation to take part in the 5th meeting of the Lithuanian and Icelandic-led Ukraine Demining Coalition. The partners are meeting for an update on the training and equipment aid rendered to Ukraine. They will be introduced to the Central Project Management Agency responsible for Coalition purchases and map out further coalition activities.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Wed, 03 Jul 2024 17:54:41 +0300
Prime Minister Congratulates the New Head of Government of the Netherlandas Prime Minister Congratulates the New Head of Government of the Netherlandas

On behalf of the Government of Lithuania, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė congratulated His Excellency Mr Dick Schoof on his appointment as the new Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Netherlands and wished him every success.

'Lithuania and the Netherlands have a long history of friendship and close allied cooperation. We highly value the Dutch contribution to NATO's Enhanced Forward Presence battallion in Lithuania. The decision by your country to deploy the "Patriot" long-range air defence system in Lithuania for exercises this month significantly contributes to the area of airspace protection, laying the groundwork for the potential permanent deployment of air defence systems in the future.

ln the context of Russia's shocking and brutal invasion of Ukraine, our joint efforts need to continue as our support to Ukraine till its victory and beyond, because Ukrainians are fighting not only for their sovereignty and territorial integrity but also for Europe's freedom. Only by remaining united and continuing our support for Ukraine on its Euro-Atlantic path can we strengthen Ukraine and Europe as a whole.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration, along with my best wishes for the well-being and prosperity of your country and your people,' says the Prime Minister in her greetings.


[email protected] (Raimund) World Tue, 02 Jul 2024 17:50:18 +0300