

Last Monday, on 19th October, Representatives of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) met with the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (EAPL-CFA) in the Seimas of Lithuania. The meeting was organized in connection with flagrant violations of the electoral law during the parliamentary elections currently taking place in Lithuania. The facts about the rigging of elections were widely echoed and received a reaction also in European countries and international organizations.

‘The Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (EAPL-CFA) condemned the violence and the use of force against peaceful protesters in Belarus in the first days after the elections in this neighbouring country,’ said Valdemar Tomaševski, the chairman of this party in an interview for ‘Delfi’. In the opinion of the politician, ‘there is even no question about the fact that our party justifies such actions (of Lukashenko - author's note), and we said about it last Tuesday, right after force was used against people. We said that our aim was to invite Lukashenko and the opposition to start a dialogue. By the way, our President also mentioned it.



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