EconomyNatural gas flows into Latvia exceeded gas consumption in Lithuania and its transit to the Russian region of Kaliningrad in the second week of June. Commercial banks and branches of foreign banks operating in Lithuania posted 90.9 million euros in combined net profits in the first quarter, up 8.5 percent from the same periods last year. The Q1 profit figure was the highest since 2011. Regional Gas Exchange GET Baltic, operating in Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian market areas is prepared to expand geographical coverage to other Northern Europe countries by launching new market area in Finland, and contributing to deeper integration of the Finnish and Baltic gas markets from 1st January 2020, informed Get Batlic rerpresentative. Cargo traffic in the Lithuanian seaport of Klaipeda rose 8.5% to 19.77 mln tons in the first five months of this year from the same period las year. The Rimi retail chain plans to launch its online trade in the Baltic states by 2020, Gustav Fernstrom. Vasiliauskas: Lithuania’s experience helps shape international fintech best practices2019-06-13, 10:30As emphasised today during the joint high-level seminar held by the Bank of Lithuania and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), financial technologies (fintech) have a vast potential to benefit consumers and boost economic growth, yet fintech development needs to be properly managed to ensure resilience to potential risks. In I quarter 2019, against the same quarter of 2018, labour costs per hour worked in industrial, construction and service enterprises (individual enterprises included), calendar adjusted, increased by 5.4%, of which in business enterprises – 3.7%. Lithuania's state-run oil and LNG terminal operator Klaipedos Nafta (Klaipeda Oil) posted 49.7 mln euros in revenue in the first five months of this year, up 11.9% from 44.4 mln euros a year ago. Imlitex, a company of Lithuania's raw materials supply group Imlitex Holdings, expects to take delivery of its first LNG cargo this weekend and plans to continue using the Klaipeda LNG terminal. Lithuanian producers have been allowed to export frozen food products, including picas, dumplings etc, to Ukraine after Ukrainian and Lithuanian representatives agreed on that last year. |
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