The President thanked the diplomats for a decade of joint work in defending the interests of Lithuania and its people abroad, developing bilateral relations with other countries, bringing together allies and international support for our country’s goals, gaining ground in the European Union, NATO, the United Nations and other organizations, becoming a fully-fledged member of the influential Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
According to the President, during nearly thirty years of independence, Lithuania has become a well-heard and respected member of the international community, seen as an example of securing energy self-sufficiency in Europe, capable of successfully overcoming financial obstacles, realistically assessing threats and attracting strong allied support. That is a special merit of all Lithuanian diplomats.
According to the President, although a lot has been achieved, we still cannot relax. It is necessary to continue to ensure the defense of our state on our own and in cooperation with NATO allies, consolidate our energy independence, stop the hybrid nuclear threat in our neighborhood, make a solid contribution to strengthening and promotion of the EU values, the European way of life, improve the welfare of our country and its people through economic diplomacy by developing sustainable relations with trusted markets and raising Lithuania’s prominence in the world.
The President also emphasized the importance of our country’s international contribution. According to President Grybauskaitė, in today’s world, where isolation, nationalist and populist tendencies are intensifying, Lithuania must be a uniting force, a supporter of a strong multilateral system and an advocate of Western values.