This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss new challenges in the area of migration between the two regions. The debate will focus on policies for the protection and integration of migrants as well as fight against all forms of discrimination, racism and xenophobia. It will also touch upon the sphere of potential bi-regional cooperation in the area of voluntary return and reintegration of migrants. Further, the participants of the meeting will discuss possibilities of developing bi-regional cooperation on migration issues and its perspectives.
The meeting, co-organized by Lithuania and the Republic of Cuba as CELAC partner, supported by the European Commission, the European External Action Service and assisted by IOM International Organization for Migration) and FIAPP (International and Ibero American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies) will host officials from CELAC countries and EU Member States. The Lithuanian Presidency in its role as co-chair will represent the EU member states, while CELAC states will be represented by the Republic of Cuba.
Following the high level meeting, on 27 November, a seminar will take place where members from academic world will analyse issues related to migration between EU and CELAC.