“Lithuania’s appeals to Belarus to prove that the selected construction site for the Astavets nuclear power plant is safe remain without response,” said Lithuania’s Foreign Minister.
Linkevičius welcomed the newly proposed design of the electricity market of the European Commission, but stressed that it was important to ensure equal conditions of competition with third countries within the electricity market, because different environmental standards and state aid rules could give an unfair competitive advantage over EU producers.
When speaking about the future of the EU, Linkevičius stressed that on the eve of celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, it was very important to stay true to European values and to continue to work to make the EU more effective, so that solutions would satisfy the expectations of our citizens.
“Our common goal is a strong and prosperous Europe. We must stay focused on our goals and make a join effort towards them,” said Lithuania’s Foreign Minister.
Linkevičius and the First Vice-President of the European Commission discussed also other relevant items on the EU agenda. Lithuania’s Foreign Minister invited Timmermans to visit Lithuania.