At the COP21 climate talks last December, 195 countries adopted the Paris agreement on climate change. The world's first universally binding climate deal, it sets out a global plan on how to limit the increase in global temperatures to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. The deal entered into force earlier this month after the European Parliament gave its consent to the EU’s ratification.
This week a delegation of 12 MEPs led by Giovanni La Via, chair of Parliament’s environment committee, takes part in the COP22 conference in Marrakesh. Miguel Arias Cañete, the European commissioner responsible for climate action, will brief the delegation on a daily basis. MEPs will also engage in talks with NGOs, industry and delegations from various countries.
COP22: ‘COP of action’
The focus of this week’s round of talks will be on the implementation of the Paris agreement. Delegates will work on making national climate plans as clear and transparent as possible, and on ensuring that the actions taken are traceable and that standardised reporting methods are used. There will also be discussions on enhanced action prior to 2020.
As part of the Paris agreement developed countries promised to mobilise at least $100 billion per year in climate finance for developing countries by 2020. Aiming to deliver on the commitments made, the negotiations in Marrakesh will revolve around who should pay into these funds and how they should be used. There will also be discussions on the need for further support for developing countries in terms of technology and capacity-building.
REF. : 20161111STO50910