"The new features of the platform not only ensure that the exchange of institution's information systems and registers, which is necessary to the development of user-friendly e-services, is efficient, but also make these services quicker and less expensive. There is no need for the authorities to embed solutions for, let's say, customer identification, payment for services, standardization of exchange of information", at the conference said Minister Rimantas Sinkevicius.
According to the Minister, the platform provides an easy access both to create new services and integrate them with other already provided e-services. The first complex e-service in Lithuania integrated five e-services related to the birth of the child and was implemented specifically on the SIRIP. The parents of newborns can already use this service, which even attracted the attention of the international media.
SIRIP now has many other features allowing an easy access to the E-Government Gateway www.epaslaugos.lt. The user can access many administrative and public e-services, which are provided in one place. A new search engine based on the analysis of Lithuanian syntax and semantic is now installed in this redesigned portal. It will help the users to find e-services much faster and easier.
170,000 of real (unique) visitors use the services provided on E-Government portal monthly.