According to Energy Deputy Minister Aleksandras Spruogis, the goal of these projects is to reduce heat price for consumers.
"We have approved most of the projects. However, replacement of solid fuel boilers is the most difficult to implement because the EU does not allow to support natural persons. At the moment we are looking into schemes how to support the replacement of solid fuel boilers ()," said the deputy minister.
Based on the data of the Ministry of Energy, EUR 280.9 million will be allocated for the construction of heat and power plants. EUR 233 million will be allocated to modernise major Vilnius and Kaunas heat and power plants, while the small ones will receive EUR 47.9 million.
EUR 94 million will be provided from the European Energy Efficiency Fund for the renovation of public buildings.
As regards the electricity sector, investments will be directed to modernise and develop distribution and transmission systems. Approximately EUR 89 million will be provided for this. Contracts with the transmission network operator and distribution operators are expected to be signed in the second quarter of 2016.
Next, the natural gas sector will receive EUR 70 million: EUR 53 million will be allocated for the modernisation and development of the natural gas transmission system and 17.5 million – for the distribution system.
Furthermore, EUR 14.5 million will be dedicated for public street lighting. Although the amount might seem small, yet the return on investment is expected to be used for new projects. Municipalities and energy service companies will be eligible to apply for support.
Finally, EUR 10 million has been foreseen to be allocated for the replacement of obsolete biofuel boilers of households.