Ivars Svilans, executive in charge of corporate relations, pointed out that the issue of responsibility, blame and guilt has been often discussed, and that "one must admit that initially Maxima for the most part failed to show enough empathy and lacked a responsible stance." He added that conclusions have been drawn, and that Maxima must take its share of the responsibility, i.e. for building security and safety.
Svilans outlined what compensatory payments (short and long-term) have been made to employees and customers injured in the accident, and the monthly support allocation to the children of those killed (up to age 18).
Svilans also explained that the company has conducted thorough safety checks at all other Maxima supermarkets. He drew attention to the situation faced here, i.e. "the experts in on the probe have differing viewpoints, therefore it is not clear which viewpoints should be considered the right ones."
A planned supervision system of existing alarm systems in retail outlets was also discussed at the meeting.