The guests of the event are expected to arrive at 6.00 pm., and the press conference is scheduled to begin 6.10 pm. Media representatives are invited to come to the venue at least an hour before the event and access the Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania through the Western Gate.
The guest welcome will be held at the Terminal, and the press conference – at the Third Mannerist-style Antechamber. Please note that media representatives have to choose between the three press pools – there will be no possibility to migrate from one press pool to another in the course of the event.
For the accreditation, Lithuanian media representatives will have to provide the following required details: the name, personal identification number, the media represented and the desired press pool.
For the accreditation, foreign media representatives will have to provide the following required details: the name, birth date, the citizenship, media represented and the desired press pool.
The required details are welcome at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 9 January.