The Ministry of National Defence initiated amendment to the Laws so that the military infrastructure required by Host Nation Support objectives can be developed at a quicker pace. Adoption of the amendments would simplify and accelerate the procedure for taking private land for public needs in ensuring national defence. The simplification would only be applied for urgent military infrastructure development projects in support of Allied forces.
Adoption of the amendments to the law would cut the length of the land appropriation procedure by 3 years. It would apply to the development of military infrastructure that has been identified by Allies as necessary adjusted or built within the shortest time practicable. Such infrastructure encompasses, for instance, structures to store Allied ammunition, deploy military units to, for logistical support and combat readiness needs.
The procedure for compensation for the taken land remains unchanged. Private citizens will be notified about the intent to take their land for public needs, about the corresponding procedures underway and the estimated value of their property. The damage incurred by the land appropriation is compensated monetarily.