In order to ensure good conditions for connectivity and mobility, the signing parts committed to creating possibilities for joint development programs and projects of mutual interest. The parties will exchange traffic, road weather, road work, e-tolling, freight and parking data with the aim to improve traffic safety and provide freight information for travelers. The objective of the co-operation is to establish the interoperability of ITS services and provide innovative steps applicable in the national traffic management programs.
Via Baltica was chosen as one of the pilot routes where ITS solutions will be implemented. The development of co-operation, exchange of information and best practice used in the pilot route Via Baltica will be the foundation for implementing ITS solutions in the routes of other signatory parties.
The aim of new ITS services in Via Baltica and other routes is to provide travelers with all related information. In addition, traffic flows and vehicle entrances in the main roads will be managed in real time, the travelers will be warned about traffic accidents, if necessary traffic directed to detours, truck drivers will be provided with information about available parking lots.
It is expected that MOU in the field of ITS will decrease the number of deaths caused by traffic accidents, damages occurred due to the traffic accidents, reduce fuel costs and the time of journey.
Signatory countries are inviting other national road administrations to sing the MOU. Finnish Transport Agency has already expressed its interest on the Memorandum of Understanding and Intentions. The representatives of Poland are already discussing with southern Via Baltica route neighbors. Considering the high level of the representatives who signed the Memorandum of Understanding and Intentions, it is expected that the Baltic States can become regional ITS leaders in the European Union.