With the document, the countries agree to develop and sustain close cooperation in cybersecurity area, exchange information and data on cyber incidents and attacks, plan joint exercises, and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation at the Regional Cyber Security Centre to be established in Kaunas.
“All the countries monitor an increase in cyber incidents with malicious activities and critical state infrastructure remains a subject of active malicious cyber activities. Cyberspace is a war zone too, and it requires equally serious security and defence enhancement efforts as sea, air and land,” Minister R. Karoblis said.
Minister of National Defence R. Karoblis and Minister of Defence of Ukraine A. Zagorodniuk also discussed bilateral cooperation and security situation. R. Karoblis reiterated Lithuania’s continued support to Ukraine’s aspiration to become a full-fledged member of NATO and the EU, assistance in reforming and strengthening the Armed Forces of Ukraine, development of the joint Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian Brigade, and medical rehabilitation of injured Ukrainian soldiers. Minister of Defence of Ukraine as also briefed on the principles of Lithuania’s strategic communication, territorial defence, defence planning and HR management.
“It is important for Ukraine to firmly follow the path it has chosen and to make sure the reforms benefit its citizens and state to the maximum and allow to ensure that Ukraine is independent and proceeds with the democratic development,” Minister R. Karoblis said.
Minister of Defence of Ukraine who is on a visit in Lithuania in the delegation of the President of Ukraine also paid a visit of the National Cyber Security Centre.
Lithuania has been providing all possible assistance, including military, and political support to Ukraine since the beginning of Russian aggression in 2014. Lithuanian military instructors are training and strengthening the Ukrainian military as part of the U.S.-led Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine and the Lithuanian Training Operation in Ukraine. Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine are also developing a joint military project, the trilateral brigade LITPOLUKRBRIG, in order to help Ukraine’s forces learn Western standards and have an opportunity to study and work according to NATO procedures. Ukrainian troops are invited to study at military education institutions in Lithuania, Lithuania funds studies of Ukrainian officers at the Baltic Defence College.
Over 270 Ukrainian soldiers have already undergone medical treatment and rehabilitation in Lithuania in 2014–2019. The Ministry of National Defence allots up to 58 thousand euros annually for the medical rehabilitation programme for Ukrainian military.
The society of Lithuania supports military assistance to Ukraine – 64% of respondents of a public opinion poll carried out by request of the Ministry of National Defence in the end of last year were in favour of Lithuania’s military assistance to Ukraine.