The company's lawyers have confirmed that they are working on an appeal to the EU Court of Justice.
The General Court dismissed Achema's action in September, ruling that the whole procedure of obtaining the European Commission's approval for the state aid 6-7 years ago, including the size of the LNG terminal and the project's implementation and funding model, was lawful.
"An appeal to the European Court of Justice is being prepared," Vaidas Radvila of Leadell, a law firm representing Achema, told LETA/BNS on Wednesday, adding that the action would be filed by the November 22 deadline.
According to the lawyer, the General Court failed to examine all the circumstances, such as state aid to Klaipedos Nafta, the LNG terminal's operator.
Achema, which is controlled by Achemos Grupe, brought its action in the General Court in July 2016, contesting the Commission's decision to declare state aid to the LNG terminal compatible with the internal market.
Following about six months of investigation, the European Commission ruled in November 2013 that the state aid, worth 448 mln euros in total, to the LNG terminal project would not distort competition and that Lithuania would be able to integrate into the EU gas market.
Achemos Grupe has contested all decisions related to the financing of the LNG terminal's costs in national and EU courts, but has not won any of the cases yet.
The group is Lithuania's biggest natural gas consumer and pays a large part of the terminal's costs.