The Commission invites the European citizens, stakeholders and member states to share their views on the current EU summer time arrangements and any possible amendments thereof. The public consultation was launched on 4 July and will last until 16 August.
‘On the Lithuanian and Finnish initiative, the European Commission launches public consultation on daylight saving time. The European Commission emphasizes that there have to be common rules in the Union to ensure functioning of the internal market. Yet those rules can exist either by keeping the current arrangements or by discontinuing them altogether’, says First Deputy Chancellor of the Government Deividas Matulionis.
The Commission also notes that the second alternative, abolishing summer time, is possible if a clear majority of the EU member states are in favour.
Lithuania has sent a letter to the European Commission and EU member states presenting its position to review the need for arrangements on the clock changes to the summer and winter time. The matter has been raised on several occasions in the EU’s Transport, Infrastructure and Communication Councils. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis also raises the matter during his meetings with Heads of Government and high-ranking officials of the EU member states.