In I quarter 2018, the number of foreign guests received by Lithuania’s accommodation establishments totalled 267.9 thousand (by 7.7% more than in I quarter 2017). The number of tourists from the EU countries totalled 142.4 thousand (by 9.7% more than in I quarter 2017), from non-EU countries – 125.6 thousand (by 5.6% more). A half of the foreigners accommodated were guests from the neighbouring countries – Russia (16.1%), Belarus (13.6%), Latvia (10.9%) and Poland (9.4%). Compared to I quarter 2017, the number of quests from neighbouring countries grew by 9.4%. The number of guests from Asian countries increased: from China – by 23.4, Japan – 15.3, South Korea – 12.3, Israel – 5.7%. Compared to the same period of 2017, the number of tourists from Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) decreased by 1.9%.
The number of Lithuania’s residents accommodated totalled 278.5 thousand, which is by 6.9% more than in I quarter 2017.
In I quarter 2018, the country’s hotels and motels accommodated 440.5 thousand tourists, or by 6.9% more than in the same quarter of 2017; the number of foreigners amounted 228.3 thousand (by 6.2% more). The number of rooms in hotels and motels totalled 13.7 thousand, that of beds – 28.4 thousand. Against I quarter 2017, hotel and motel room and bed occupancy rates grew by 1.7 and 1.2 percentage points respectively.