In March 2018, annual inflation (March 2018, against March 2017) calculated based on the HICP stood at 2.5% and was by 0.2 percentage points lower than the CPI-based one.
In March 2018, against February, the increase in prices for consumer goods and services calculated based on the HICP stood at 0.4%. The same increase was calculated based on the CPI.
For the calculation of annual and average annual inflation, monthly price changes and price changes for other periods, the HICPs calculated based on the 2015 index base period (2015 = 100) accurate to two decimal places are used. Price indices are published accurate to two decimal places, inflation and price changes – to one decimal place.
The overall change in consumer prices is influenced not only by the size of the price change for a certain product but also by the relative share (weight) of expenditure on that product in the total consumption expenditure.