The golden-voiced Liudas Mikalauskas, along with the unusual combination of the Bass Arco string quartet (three cellos and a double bass), invites listeners to a new musical experience – a pleasurable evening with the songs of Vytautas Kernagis on December 10, 2013.
The soloist has this to say about the programme: "We wanted to put something together that was different, something that would make us hear the music within and share it with others. The cello has been associated with the human voice for a very long time, and there are no other instruments that harmonize so well with vocals that are able to touch at the heart strings so delicately as ours".
Program includes songs of the repertoire of V. Kernagis, including his best and most beautiful songs – "Baltas pauketis", "Kalnai ant kalnu", "Iseinu", "Musu dienos kaip svente", and more.