The new platform will offer video news footage, audio sound bites, video/audio replays and images. It will also host ready to broadcast videos.
A state of the art search engine, thematic packages and the schedule of Parliament’s daily productions will help you easily find the media you are looking for.
The new responsive design will enhance your viewing comfort, by automatically adapting to the device you are using.
The Multimedia Centre will enable you to watch, download and share media with just a click. You can download all types of media, without having to register on the site. However, registration will give you free access to a number of important added features:
- Customise your profile to have your preferences (videos, audio, image) show up on top
- Create a basket with several media files and download them at the same time
- Receive our newsletters
- For media professionals: better management and assistance with file transfers
Please note that if you are a registered user of the Audiovisual Website, your account will not be automatically transferred to the new Multimedia Centre, for data protection reasons.
Ref.: 20180104IPR91001