Some 75% of Europeans would like the EU to do more on environmental protection, according to a Eurobarometer survey published in April 2017. This is eight percentage points more than last year. The EU works to protect nature and over the years MEPs have adopted important legislation in issues such as plastic carrier bags and illegal waste shipments. Many more proposals are to follow.
Climate change
Despite uncertainties, especially following Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the Paris agreement, Parliament remains committed to ensuring that the EU will fulfil its ambitious climate targets.
This is why MEPs are working on various proposals for new legislation, including a reform of the EU's emissions trading system (ETS) to boost innovation in new sustainable technologies; national targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions from transport, buildings; waste and agriculture; as well as measures to preserve and strengthen the capacity of forests and soils in the EU to capture CO₂ in a sustainable way.
In November a delegation from the Parliament will be present in Bonn, Germany, to participate in the COP23 conference, which will check the progress on the implementation of the Paris agreement.
Circular economy
Parliament is working on proposals to reduce waste generation, control waste management, boost recycling and make it easier to repair products.
Air pollution
Air pollution causes about 400,000 premature deaths in the EU every year. Last year MEPs approved ambitious emission limits for key air pollutants, including nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulates and sulphur dioxide.
Currently members are working on new EU rules to make environmental and safety testing more independent, with stricter oversight of cars already on the road.
In March Parliament called for better protection of the Arctic’s unique and vulnerable ecosystem, including a ban on Arctic oil and gas extraction. Last year MEPs adopted a report on an EU action plan to fight wildlife trafficking highlighting the need for global cooperation.
Ref.: 20170705STO79039