The Baltic Film Days are organized by national film institutions of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia as one of the first joint projects designed for film viewers of all three countries.
On Aug. 22–27, the Vilnius movie theater Pasaka will feature the latest Latvian and Estonian films that have won international recognition. Meanwhile, Lithuanian films will be shown in Riga and Tallinn.
Vilnius will host four free movie performances, featuring Estonia's 2016 Oscar nomination, Mother, one of Estonia's all-time most successful films, Tangerine military drama, Latvia 's Mellow Mud drama that has been awarded at the international Berlin film festival and one of the most popular 2016 movies, The Chronicles of Melanie.
Riga viewers will see Lithuanian movies, Emilija and Seneca's Day, while the performances in Estonia will include Emilija and The Summer of Sangaile.