“We hope that our passengers will appreciate this change. This car park was mostly used by people who came to meet them and anxiously counted minutes while waiting. In addition, this change will be useful to those who do not take a taxi next to the terminal and want to call a different taxi company or use other transportation services (for example, Uber, Taxify, etc.). Now, the drivers of these vehicles will be able to use the car park more than once a day,” said Olaf Martens, the CEO of Vilnius Airport.
The free parking duration at the car park near the terminal will remain the same: 15 minutes. If one stays longer, it will be necessary to pay the full hourly parking price (EUR 3).
About Vilnius Airport
Vilnius Airport belongs to the network of Lithuanian airports that includes three air gateways in Vilnius, Kaunas, and Palanga. In 2016, they handled 4.8 million passengers and 52,000 flights. During the summer season, 16 airlines offer 84 routes to 59 cities in 26 countries from Lithuanian airports. According to Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe), Lithuanian Airports contribute 2.5 per cent to Lithuania’s GDP.