The EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021 are set up to contribute to the reduction of social and economic disparities in Europe. Despite positive tendencies in 2016, unemployment among young people continues to be a challenge in Europe. Recognising the strong link between social and economic equality and participation in the labour market, the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment specifically aims to support transnational projects that promote sustainable and quality youth employment. €60 million has been set aside for projects under this Fund.
The Fund’s focus on transnational cooperation reflects the view that unemployment among youth is a common European challenge and common European solutions should therefore be explored. The call seeks to complement existing EU funding on youth employment initiatives, and projects within areas that commonly do not receive EU funding are therefore of particular interest.
Target groups
The Fund aims to advance new and innovative solutions related to the specific needs of young people between 15 and 29, with a special focus on the 25-29 year olds. Projects developing solutions for:
- the long-term unemployed;
- the low-skilled;
- inactive women caring for children or incapacitated adults;
- ethnic minorities including Roma;
- asylum-seekers;
- people with mental health issues and
- the disabled
are of particular interest to the Fund.
Support areas
The Fund has three principal support areas:
- innovation and exploration;
- transfer of know-how and good practice;
- analysis and research.
Supported projects must involve multiple partners situated in different countries. The amount of grant assistance applied for within a project shall not be less than €1 million.