“This traditional Ministerial meeting will provide us with an opportunity to contribute towards shaping current and future trends of the environmental and climate change policy of the Union”, - says minister Mazuronis. – “Our agenda comprises several comprehensive issues, including exchange of views on the Proposal amending Regulation on Shipments of Waste and, of course, preparation for the Climate Change COP19 in Warsaw”.
The Council will hold an exchange of views on the proposal to amend Regulation on the Shipments of Waste. The purpose of the debate is to provide political guidance for further work on this proposal. It is the intention of the Presidency to make as much progress as possible during this semester.
The Council is due to adopt conclusions on the preparations for the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which will take place in Warsaw from 11 to 22 November 2013. The Council will proceed to the finalization of the EU’s position and Ministers will be invited to resolve the remaining outstanding issues.
“I strongly believe that the upcoming Council meeting will provide us with a political arena to define the common position of the EU in order to ensure that Warsaw COP delivers a balanced package of decisions, including the ones on enhancing the implementation of already adopted decisions, as well as on advancing work on closing the gap of mitigation ambition in the period before 2020 and on preparing the ground for the adoption of new global legally binding agreement applicable to all Parties”, - stresses minister Mazuronis.
The Council will also examine the final compromise text of a draft regulation amending Regulation to define the modalities for reaching the 2020 target to reduce CO2 emissions from new passenger cars.
Over lunch, ministers will hold a discussion on the green infrastructure strategy, adopted by the Commission last May. Ministers will be invited to engage into an informal debate on the basis of the recent Commission’s communication “Green Infrastructure – Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital”.