"Famous French writer Victor Hugo once said that we all walk the same roads in life, but that not everyone leaves the same footprints. The footprints of those people who stood here 24 years ago in the Baltic Way will remain for all time," – said A. Zuokas.
Besides the mayors of the three Baltic capitals, the Lithuanian Republic's ambassador in Latvia H. E. Ričardas Degutis and the Estonian Republic's ambassador in Latvia H. E. Mati Vaarmann attended as well.
The three tiles were created by Lithuanian sculptor Gitenis Umbrasas. Each one weighs 75 kilograms and took more than 3 weeks to make. The size of the footprints was made such that it wouldn't be too small for anyone who wants to stand on the tile's footprints. According to the tile's author, the tile should last more than 300 years.
The initiative to install the tiles in all three of the Baltic capitals was started by Vilnius. The tiles are meant to remind future generations of the Baltic Way, a 600km human chain linking Vilnius, Tallinn and Riga that was formed on August 23rd, 1989 to mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
This year, the three Baltic capitals celebrate 20 years of cooperation.