The flow of electricity resumed last Saturday after the scheduled maintenance, started on Nov. 7, was completed, according to information available on the website of the Lithuanian power transmission system operator Litgrid.
Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba (Lithuanian Energy Production, or LEG) says that Unit Nine at its Elektrenai power plant generated electricity almost uninterruptedly while NordBalt was offline and it will continue to do so at least until Tuesday evening as the average electricity price will stay at a relatively high level of 39.11 euros per megawatt-hour.
"With the interconnection back online, electricity prices in Nord Pool's Lithuanian bidding area have declined somewhat, but they remain relatively high due to a fall in temperatures and an increase in power consumption in the Nordic countries, as well as to unstable wind generation," LEG said in a press release on Monday.
"In these conditions, electricity flows from Lithuania to Sweden during certain hours. Unit Nine has ensured reliable power generation since early morning today, operating at an average capacity of 350 megawatts," it said.