The charismatic priest was directed to the priestly ministry in Maišiagala in 2002.
In the past 14 years the priest accomplished a lot in his parish. He renovated the church and fulfilled his priestly ministry heartily and devotedly.
The priest was sensitive to the needs of every parishioner, and always gave a good word and advice.
The faithful of the Maišiagala parish claimed that the priest Juzef Aškelovič will be always welcome there. They also wished him the blessing of God in his new parish.
The Vilnius Archdiocese informed about the changes in the parishes a month ago.
Priest Juzef Aškelovič who is known from his patriotism and enthusiastic sermons, ended his priestly ministry in Maišiagala and Alionys and from now on will be a rector in Butrymonys and Pabarė.