“I welcome the decision by environment ministers to allow for a timely EU ratification. This decision will permit Parliament to conclude the agreement and will send a strong signal and highlight the leadership of the EU and its Member States and their continuing efforts to address climate change at international level”, said Mr La Via.
“The prospect that the Paris Agreement might enter into force without the EU as a signatory, considering the EU’s leadership on the fight against climate change, its role in the Kyoto Protocol, and its continuous efforts towards a subsequent universal treaty, would have been unthinkable”, he added.
“At the same time, Parliament is focusing its efforts on delivering the concrete policies that will enable us to reduce Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions: the reform of our carbon market, the recent proposals for curbing emissions from the building, transport and agriculture sectors (the so-called “effort-sharing decision”), and those on land-use and forestry (LULUCF), which will be discussed in Parliament in the coming months”.
“Finally, "I would also like to recognise the effort of the Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, with whom I have been in permanent contact during this process, and extend it to the European Commission and Council. This is a true success for the EU and its citizens," he concluded.
On Monday evening, the Environment Committee will meet at 19.00 to vote on its recommendations to plenary.
Towards the COP22 in Marrakesh
Next week, Parliament will also hold a debate with the Council and Commission on priorities for the next round of talks, to take place in Marrakesh in November. The Parliament will send a 12-MEP delegation led by Giovanni La Via to Marrakesh to follow the talks closely and work with its counterparts.
The COP21 Agreement will enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date on which at least 55 Parties (out of 197) to the Convention accounting in total for at least an estimated 55% of the total global greenhouse gas emissions have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the UN Depositary.
To date, 61 parties, including the US and China, have ratified the Convention, accounting for 47.79% of global GHG emissions, while India will ratify the Paris Agreement on the 2nd of October 2016. The EU’s ratification of the Paris Agreement will enable it to enter into force, by fulfilling the second criterion of 55% of global emissions.
REF. : 20160930IPR44808