"In spring, the European Commission published a digital single market strategy, which is among Commission's ten priorities. The strategy aims towards wider Internet accessibility to digital commodities and services for individuals and businesses across Europe, higher digital service security and reliability, and reduction of fees for the telecommunication services between the countries in the Community", said the Prime Minister.
According to Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius, it is a very important initiative capable of prompting innovations, economic growth and jobs in Europe.
"Lithuania boasts considerable progress in the field of telecommunications. Over 70 per cent of the population with Internet access use e-banking, more than 60 per cent are active in social networks, 94 percent of the population read news on the Internet. Besides, 80 percent of the country's territory is covered by the most advanced 4G network. Despite the advantages of electronic services, due efforts need to be taken to ensure information security, develop the EU legal framework for the fight against information attacks and hostile propaganda", said the Head of Government.
The Prime Minister noted further efforts in e-services in health care, although there is still a lot of work to be done. The Government encourages investment in science and technology, and seeks openness and accessibility of public institutions.