The Council voted with one voice for the local budget increase by 297.9 thousand litas in order to continue and complete investment projects implemented in the district. Also, the draft decision on compensation of transportation services of pupils of Children and Teenagers Social Centre from Nemenčinė to Vilnius was approved without major opposition.
To add, the Council voted for the increase of admissible number of working positions in district institutions in order to ensure effective services. These changes should help social institutions to fulfil the conditions and get licenses needed to continue their work.
The Council of the Self- government has also approved the proposition of Architecture and Spatial Planning department to create three lots in order to meet social needs of people of Juodšiliai, Pagiriai, and Sužionys municipalities. The department made a proposition to create there a beach, a playground for kids and a recreational square. To add, detailed plans for recreational tracks in Nemenčinė - Santaka and Medininkai - Rukainiai were also approved.
During the meeting the Vice-Mayor Jan Gabriel Mincevič was delegated to a working government group, the task of which is to eliminate economic and social growth differences in the regions inhabited by national minorities.