The meeting focused on the economic security situation of the European Union. The Foreign Minister welcomed the European Economic Security Strategy announced in June 2022 and stressed the importance of implementing the specific measures outlined as soon as possible.
“Lithuania supports efforts to strengthen Europe’s economic security and build our resilience. It is crucial to ensure that third-country investments and available technologies are not used against ourselves,” Landsbergis said.
Lansbergis and Dombrovskis also discussed the Ukrainian grain transit and support for Ukraine. They agreed that it was necessary to support Ukraine through trade and to provide alternative routes for Ukraine’s grain exports.
“With Dombrovskis we discussed Lithuania’s proposals for special measures to implement the Baltic Route as an alternative route for Ukraine’s grain exports,” Landsbergis said. Lithuania’s Foreign Minister also noted the importance of EU unity and solidarity in this matter.
The meeting also discussed the negotiations between the EU and third countries on their free trade agreements and the EU’s trade relations with the US and China. Landsbergis expressed his support for the ongoing negotiations.
“We see the negotiations on free trade agreements as important to reduce economic dependence on unfriendly and unreliable countries. We therefore strongly support the development of the EU network of free trade agreements, especially in the Indo-Pacific region”.