The summit was attended by, inter alia, Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, leader of the French National Rally Marine Le Pen, leader of the Spanish party Vox Santiago Abascal, leader of the Italian party Fratelli d’Italia Vincenzo Sofo, and President of the Association of Poles in Lithuania(APL) and Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (EAPF-CFA), Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Valdemar Tomaševski.
During the summit in Madrid the subjects aiming to defend Europe and the citizens of the member states against current threats were discussed. These included the defence of European industry creating jobs, the defence of the energy sovereignty of the EU member states, support of natality and fertility to prevent depopulation of Europe, and protection of European borders against illegal immigration.
When discussing the future of Europe, which should protect true values and every human being, party leaders emphasized the need for cooperation and joint actions for the benefit of future generations.
Santiago Abascal, the leader of the Spanish party Vox, welcomed the guests and said: ‘We are all allies. We are united by our parents’ values. We must take a new course for the benefit of our compatriots in Europe. We must work together to save our citizens in a crisis. Our survival as nations, as states is at stake, we must pass on true values to our young generations.’
Then, the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, took the floor: ‘We are dealing with many threats today. We have to find solutions to these challenges together. Europe is threatened by the so-called reverse discrimination through dumping in the economy, ridiculous CO2 limits weakening national economies. Europe should be re-industrialized, small and medium-sized enterprises should be supported. We must also win the dispute regarding the sovereignty of states, which is threatened by European institutions that usurp laws beyond its treaties. We should fight together so that freedom means freedom, that democracy means democracy, and sovereignty is guaranteed.’
In turn, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated: ‘It is necessary to strengthen common values based on Christian values. We should create a new platform for cooperation to strengthen our point of view on Europe. We should remember that elections are the essence of democracy, so let’s support each other. Brussels’ energy policy is very bad today, so it has to change in order to save the economy that is being destroyed. Climate policy is wrong because it is killing the economy. Energy price increases cannot be called ‘climate rescue’, it is just Brussels foolishness.‘
Valdemar Tomaševski, president of the APL and EAPL, MEP, also took the floor. His speech received a lot of very positive comments and acknowledgement for taking up important topics that defend ordinary people and values of life. Tomaševski said, that economic matters are very important because they affect every inhabitant of Europe, which is why we should solve the problems of ordinary people by creating new jobs and increasing their income. It is also important to strengthen the middle class by supporting small businesses and family businesses. During the meeting demographic problems and the decline in the population of indigenous Europeans were also discussed. V. Tomaševski underlined: ‘In this situation, we must promote the civilization of life from conception to natural death as much as possible. This is the right future for Europe.’ He quoted John Paul II: ‘A nations that kills its own children has no future’. He cited the example of Poland and Lithuania, where EAPL – CFA has just submitted a draft law that protects life. He added that motherhood should not only be socially and legally strongly protected, but also we should promote the very great value of motherhood in society, starting with education. Concluding his speech, he stressed the importance of the unity of European Christian and patriotic parties in the fight to preserve the traditional family and the Christian Europe of Homelands.
The Madrid summit of the leaders of European patriotic, libertarian and Christian parties ended with the adoption of a joint declaration on further cooperation in defence of true European values.
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