‘We very much welcome the agreement reached and trust that our cooperation with the communications associations will be long-lasting and sustainable. Achieving greater global awareness of our country is what we all wish. Strategic communication plays a huge role today, so we have to decide and agree on how we want the world to see us’, said Algirdas Stončaitis, Chancellor of the Government, who greatly appreciates the decision of communications market players to join forces in building our nation brand in a transparent and open manner.
‘Previous attempts to brand Lithuania would unfortunately fall flat and largely because of the lack of a single consolidating strategy and consistent interinstitutional coordination. Many of the previous individual efforts were doomed to rot in the drawers for the lack of overall approval. This time, the strongest market professionals have come together from across different communications sectors to help the Government in this matter. It is only through concerted efforts that we will be able to reach our goal. It is important that the Government has taken the lead in developing the strategy. For our part, we are ready to do our best to help the public authorities in delivering this project’, said Romualda Stonkutė, Chairwoman of the Board of the Association of Public Relations Agencies (RSVA).
She has pointed out the unprecedented character of this project, which has mobilised, for the first time ever, all the communications professionals to work for the good of the nation.
The 2020-2030 Strategy is expected to provide for a targeted communication and promotion of Lithuania across the target foreign markets, at the same time contributing to the efforts of building Lithuania’s image and its greater awareness in the world.