The Acting Prime Minister informed the Vice-President of the European Commission about the beginning of intensive consultations with the new Presidency of the European Commission regarding the areas of responsibility of the representative nominated by Lithuania.
‘Lithuania seeks an important portfolio in those areas where it has the greatest experience and expertise. Economic development and energy continue as the priorities, along with a breakthrough in the protection of the EU’s external border’, said the Acting Prime Minister.
‘We will support the ambitious 2050 goals as Europe moves towards a climate-neutral economy. However, we must defend the competitiveness of our industry and take into account the economic and social possibilities and differences between EU Member States. We place a particular emphasis on the 2030 energy and climate change targets. We would like to thank the European Commission for the recommendations it has made on the draft Lithuanian National Energy and Climate Plan’, said the Acting Prime Minister.
The Government is working hard to fill the missing gaps in the plan by 31 December, thereby ensuring the implementation of the commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the non-ETS sector by 9% compared to 2005.
Saulius Skvernelis expressed appreciation of the fact that the European Commission noted Lithuania in its recommendations as one of the leading EU countries with the highest ambitions in the field of renewable energy development.
On the synchronisation of electricity networks, it was emphasized that the main priority of Lithuania is to implement the synchronisation project smoothly and efficiently by 2025. The Acting Prime Minister thanked Mr Šefčovič for his personal contribution and support in making the final decisions on the implementation of the synchronisation project and expressed his firm belief that the project would be given special priority also by the new European Commission.
Mr Skvernelis noted the continuing challenge posed by new Belarusian Power Plant for the entire EU and that it was appropriate to develop a broader and a more comprehensive EU Action Plan on Nuclear Safety in the EU Neighbourhood.