MEPs voted on the composition of interparliamentary delegations on Wednesday at midday. The proposal put forward by Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (i.e. the EP President and political group leaders) was approved by a show of hands. Appointments were announced at 19.00.
You can see the list of the 44 delegations - the same number as in the previous legislative term - and their members by clicking here.
Interparliamentary delegations maintain relations and exchange information with parliamentarians in other countries, regions and organisations to promote the EU’s core values: liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.
Once MEPs approve the nature and numerical strength of interparliamentary delegations, the political groups and the non-attached Members appoint delegation members based on internal decisions. The composition of these delegations needs to ensure that member states, political views and genders are fairly represented.
Next steps
Delegation chairs and vice-chairs will be elected at the delegations’ constitutive meetings, which are expected to take place in September 2019.
Ref.: 20190711IPR56825